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International Marketing Course Outline/Curriculum

MBA at IBA of Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

 International Marketing Course Outline - IBA MBA (Full Time and Evening)

Institute of Business Administration
Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Course: International Marketing
Instructor: Abu Yousuf M. Abdullah
Office: Room 211
MBA Program

The basic premise of this course is that national business boundaries are gradually dissolving. Entrepreneurs and managers must monitor and evaluate emerging developments in a holistic and systematic way to define the opportunity for globalized business.
In order to enable the students in developing skills to make business decisions in the global context, the course is designed as follows:
I. Topics to be covered:
  1. International business and its importance
  2. History of International Trade
  3. International Trade Theories
  4. The International environment, Economic, Cultural, Political and Legal
  5. Export market selection. Strategies and Assessment
  6. Entry modes to International Marketing
  7. Product Decisions
  8. Pricing Decision
  9. International Channels of Distribution
  10. International Communication and Promotion
  11. Export Process and Documentation
  12. International Organizations and Regulatory bodies
II. Grading Scheme:
Case Analysis                        10% A -> 85 - 100
Case Presentation 10%                 B+ -> 80 - 85
Assignment 10% B -> 70 - 75  
Quiz                                                       10%C+ -> 65 - 70
Mid Term Exam 20% C -> 60 - 65
Term Paper (Presentation Included)    20% D+ -> 55 - 60
Final Exam 20% D -> 50 - 55
                                                                                  F -> Below 50

III. Text References
Students have the liberty to follow any standard text based on International Marketing. The following books are six of these:
  1. International Marketing - Philip R. Cateora
  2. International Marketing Management - Subhash C. Jain
  3. International Marketing and Export Management - G. Albaum and Others
  4. International Business - Schnitizer, Liebrenz, Kubin
  5. International Trade - A. Myrick Freeman
  6. Environment of International Business - Endel - Jakob Kolde
Important Notes:
  •  No Late Submission of assignment will be accepted
  • Quizzes, Mid-Term exam and Final Exam will be closed book
  • Class Participation is highly Encouraged
 Good Luck


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